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Daily moments of hope, rooted in science

Join us for a 7-day text message journey designed to help you navigate stress, feel more connected, and find purpose in daily life.

Be part of the global wellbeing movement and experience the evidence-based, award-winning tools from Healthy Minds Innovations, a nonprofit founded by a world renowned neuroscientist.

Try our FREE program today • Opt-out anytime

College is hard, we’re here to help.

Healthy Minds Texts are like having a best friend with a PhD in making life better. We’ll text you practical advice based on science—confidence boosts, perspective shifts, and scientifically informed tips to help you thrive.

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Sign up, get daily texts, with expert advice, reflect and reset.
  • 616K

    Community members

    Using our tools for wellbeing in 90+ countries

  • -24%

    Decreased stress

    For Healthy Minds app users in this research study

  • 10+

    Years of experience

    Translating science into tools for wellbeing

  • 234K

    Academic citations

    Exploring the cutting edge of wellbeing science

Change your mind. Change the world.

We’re a research-based nonprofit with a vision to make planet Earth a kinder, wiser, and more compassionate place to live.

Founded by Dr. Richard J. Davidson, a world renowned neuroscientist best known for his groundbreaking work studying emotion and the brain, we are on a mission to help people flourish.

Try our FREE program today • Opt-out anytime

7 days of tips.
0 strings attached.

Sign up in less than 2 minutes, and get daily texts for 7 days, completely free.

By signing up, you’re helping us learn how best to support people’s wellbeing. That’s it. No data-mining or hidden agenda. We’re actually just a nonprofit trying to help.

At the end of the program, we’ll send you an optional survey to learn what worked best for you. We call it community science–basically we’re just doing our homework.

Try our FREE program today • Opt-out anytime